pondělí 7. března 2011

How to motivate employees and avoid their demotivation

How to develop your employees and keep their motivation high?

The motivation of its employees is the key success factor for a company. The management should do everything to avoid demotivation of their employees and to support their natural, internal motivation.

How can this be done?

It is necessary to create jobs for people and not to try to form people according to the jobs by   imposing on them an endless number of regulations and management directives.
A manager should allow his employees a maximum of free space for their own decisions. Of course, this also means that the employees have to take over responsibility for their decisions.

The manager should delegate as many tasks as possible to the employees and let them decide on their own, how to deal with them. The employees have to learn to control themselves and the manager should only check the results.

The targets for the employees should be defined in a mutual discussion and the manager and the employees should agree on them. The targets should be determined according to the SMART criteria ( specific, measurable, acceptable, realistic, terminated ). The targets should take into consideration the development and strategic goals of the company, as well as the development of the employees.

The top management of a company should avoid to create an endless amount of rules, regulations and management directives, which only limit the free space of the employees to take their own decisions and take over responsibility for them.

The company should allow flexible working hours and allow employees to work from home
( home office ). This enables the employees to organize themselves and plan their activities according to their own needs.

The top management should determine the working conditions and the working environment for their employees, in such a way, that the employees like their job and the work.
The employees should have fun at work, because if someone has fun at work and enjoys his work, then the results can be extraordinary!

The manager should have enough courage to trust his employees , because trust is the basic condition for a successful cooperation and it supports the motivation of the employees.

Summarizing, we can say that an excellent manager trusts his employees, delegates them as many tasks as possible and allows them to develop their potential.
This is the best, what he can do to motivate his employees!